Mark your calenders for April 6th, 2025, to come see the smallest rodeo in Texas with BIG laughs and house full of entertainment!!
A 100% Family-Friendly Show Lasting Over 2 Hours!
1. Bullfighting – A show with bullfighters, without animal mistreatment.
2. Artistic Show – The best impersonations of regional Mexican music stars.
3. Rodeo – Charro tricks, calf roping, and American-style bull and pony riding.
4. Motocross – Stunts and high jumps on a four-wheeler.
5. Mini Monster Trucks – Impressive jumps and challenges between three mini monster trucks.
Get your tickets now while they are discounted! Doors open at 4:30 pm
¡Un espectáculo 100% familiar de poco más de 2 horas!
1. Toros – Espectáculo con toreros, sin maltrato animal.
2. Show Artístico – Las mejores imitaciones de estrellas del regional mexicano.
3. Rodeo – Suertes charras, lazo de becerro y montas al estilo americano en toro y pony.
4. Motocross – Acrobacias y saltos de altura y distancia en cuatrimoto.
5. Mini Monster Trucks – Impresionantes saltos y desafíos entre tres mini trocas monstruo.