I wish to participate in all activities associated with the Exceptional Rodeo Program, and sponsored by The Spooner Rodeo Committee, Inc. (DBA) Heart of the North Rodeo, and do so at my own risk.
I hereby release and agree to hold harmless the said Associations, their Directors, all of their Committee Members, the promoters and lessees of the premises, the participants and officials, representatives, agents and employees of all of them, of and from all liability, loss, claims and demands that may accrue from any loss, damage, or injury (including death) to person or property, in anyway resulting from, or arising while fulfilling any and all activities provided by The Spooner Rodeo Committee, Inc. (DBA) The Heart Of The North Rodeo, from any cause whatsoever.
I know the risks and danger to myself and property while participating or assisting in this program, so voluntarily and in reliance upon my own judgment and ability, I hereby assume all risk for loss, damage or injury (including death) to myself and my property from any cause whatsoever.
I further intend to bind my heirs, beneficiaries and assignees to this agreement above. I further hereby promise to indemnify and hold harmless said above Association, representatives, agents and members of all of them, from any and all injuries (including death) sustained to me.
Photo Use Release for Exceptional Rodeo
What is the name of the photographer or institution taking and/or making use of the photo or video?
* The Spooner Rodeo Committee, Inc. (DBA) Heart of the North Rodeo
Photo Use Release Form
I hereby grant and authorize The Spooner Rodeo Committee, Inc. (DBA) Heart of the North Rodeo, the right to take, edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, distribute and make use of any and all pictures or video taken of me by The Spooner Rodeo Committee, Inc. (DBA) Heart of the North Rodeo to be used in and/or for legally promotional materials including, but not limited to, newsletters, flyers, posters, brochures, advertisements, press kits, and websites, social Rodeo networking sites and other print and digital communications without payment or any other consideration. This authorization extends to all media, formats and markets not known or hereafter devised. This authorization shall continue indefinitely, unless I otherwise revoke said authorization in writing.
I understand and agree that these materials shall become property of The Spooner Rodeo Committee (DBA) Heart of the North Rodeo and will not be given to you.
I hereby hold harmless, and release The Spooner Rodeo Committee (DBA) Heart of the North Rodeo from all liability, petitions, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representative, executors, administrators, or any other persons may make while acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate.
I have read the foregoing agreement in its entirety and understand and agree to all provisions herein.