Level 1 |
- 1/4 page ad
- 4 tickets
- announcements
- logo/link on website
$400.00 |
Level 2 |
- 4x4 sign near arena entrances
- 1/2 page ad
- 12 free tickets
- logo/link on website
$800.00 |
Level 3 |
- 1 Flag at Top of Arena
- 4x4 Sign on Bleachers
- Full Page Ad
- 18 Tickets
- Logo on Marketing with signed contract before print deadline
- Logo and Link on Website
$1,300.00 |
Level 4 |
- 1 flag at top of arena
- 1 flag carried by flag carriers
- 4x4 sign near arena entrances
- 1 full page ad
- 24 free tickets
- Logo/link on website
- Logo on marketing materials with signed contract before print deadlines
- Facebook mentions
- 4x4 sign on fence by Bear River Drive between fair and Labor Day
$1,800.00 |
Level 5 |
- 1 flag at top of arena
- 1 flag carried by flag carriers
- 4x4 sign in Arena
- 2 full page ads
- 24 free tickets
- Logo/link on website
- Logo on marketing materials with signed contract before print deadlines
- Facebook mentions
- 4x4 sign on fence by Bear River drive between fair and Labor Day
- 4x4 sign in fairgrounds area
$2,800.00 |
Level 6 |
- 1 flag at top of arena
- 1 flag carried by flag carriers
- 4x4 sign in Arena
- Behind the chute tour opportunities
- Discounted additional tickets and discounted Cowboy Days merchandise
- Reserved seating by request
- 3 full page ads
- 30 free tickets
- Logo/link on website
- Logo on marketing materials with signed contract before print deadlines
- Facebook mentions
- Logo on print-at-home tickets
- Spring Fling Queen Coronation tickets by request
- 4x4 sign on fence by Bear River drive between fair and Labor Day
- 4x4 sign in fairgrounds area
$5,000.00 |
Level 7 |
- 1 flag at top of arena
- 1 flag carried by flag carriers
- 4x4 sign in Arena
- Behind the chute tour opportunities
- Discounted additional tickets and discounted Cowboy Days merchandise
- Reserved seating by request
- 3 full page ads
- 30 free tickets
- Logo/link on website
- Logo on marketing materials with signed contract before print deadlines
- Facebook mentions
- 2 Free booth rentals if requested
- Spring Fling Queen Coronation tickets by request
- Logo on print-at-home tickets
- Royalty Visit by request and availability
- 4x4 on fence by Bear River drive between fair and Labor Day
- 4x4 sign in fairgrounds area
$6,000.00 |