Sevier County Fair Jr. Rodeo

Join us on 08/08/2025

(rodeo date estimated)

Sevier County Fair Jr. Rodeo Description


Check in at 3:00pm Rodeo starts at 4:00pm. (Must be pre-registered by 08/04/24)

We will be following the Utah Junior High School Rodeo Rules with the following exceptions:


*There will be a 60 second time limit for EVERY event. (The Pee-Wee division will have no time limit)


*The Pee-Wee division is allowed to have a parent "lead line." However, if a contestant uses a "lead line," that contestant cannot place above a contestant that does not use the "lead line."


*Western attire will be required for contestants that are competing.


*Team Ropers will be allowed to enter as both a header and a heeler. However, only their highest placing score will count towards the all-around points. (For example... if Joe placed 2nd as a header and 3rd as a heeler, he would only have the 2nd place points count towards the all around points. He could still get paid for both placings though).

~Junior Age Group can rope with a parent/adult

~Senior Age Group must rope with a registered contestant. (Seniors can switch ends or enter as a header and heeler with different partners).


*All Around Points will be given for 1st-10th place in each event. There will be 6 All-Around Awards given (Pee-Wee Girls, Pee-Wee Boys, Junior Girls, Junior Boys, Senior Girls, Senior Boys).   

 ~1st = 10 points, 2nd = 9 points... 10th = 1 point


*Pee-Wee Events - Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Goats (Ribbon Pull with horse), and Dummy Roping

*Junior Girl Events - Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Goat Tying, Breakaway Roping, and Team Roping

*Junior Boy Events - Barrel Racing, Goat Tying, Breakaway Roping, Mini-Bull Riding, and Team Roping

*Senior Girl Events - Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Goat Tying, Breakaway Roping, and Team Roping

Senior Boy Events - Barrel Racing, Goat Tying, Breakaway Roping, Bull Riding (Jr. Level Bulls), and Team Roping


UJHSRA Rule Book found here:


Questions, please call Brittney Wanlass at 435-979-3255!

Get ready for the Sevier County Fair Jr. Rodeo

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    Sevier County Fair Jr. Rodeo Where & When

  • Location: Richfield, UT 84701
  • Rodeo Date: 2024/08/08 11:00:00 PM (Thursday)
  • Categories:
    • Poles Junior Girls (9-13)
    • Barrels Junior Girls (9-13)
    • Goat Tying Junior Girls (9-13)
    • Breakaway Junior Girls (9-13)
    • Pee-Wee Girls (Ages 0-8)
    • Pee-Wee Boys (Ages 0-8)
    • Junior Girls (Ages 9-13)
    ...Show All Categories

Sevier County Fair Jr. Rodeo Reviews

2 - 1 reviews

Review Sevier County Fair Jr. Rodeo

Most Helpful Review
Experience: 1.5/5
Organization: 0.5/5

First of all no American Flag during the National Anthem. Very disgraceful! Second not very well organized it should not have gone on that long and the announcer BORING!!!!!.

Joane W. 0/1 found this review helpful.

Experience: 1.5/5
Organization: 0.5/5
2020 Rodeo Review
Review On:2020-08-07 12:56:38

First of all no American Flag during the National Anthem. Very disgraceful! Second not very well organized it should not have gone on that long and the announcer BORING!!!!!.

Joane W. has attended 2 times
0/1 found this review helpful.

View all Sevier County Fair Jr. Rodeo reviews.

Richfield, UT Weather

Richfield, UT current weather
  • Clouds 49.2℉ Clouds

  • Join us at the Sevier County Fair Jr. Rodeo in August for a great rodeo. The Sevier County Fair Jr. Rodeo works hard to deliver you a memorable rodeo experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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