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Review Richard Bush

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2021 Timer Review
Customer Service: 5.0/5

Reviewed On 2021-12-14 12:57:34

Mr. Bush, rodeo announcer and auctioneer

I have heard Mr. Bush as a rodeo announcer several times. He has a very good voice, knows the contestants, recognizes the sponsors and does an outstanding job with it all. I have used him as an auctioneer myself and he was very good with the auction. I would recommend Mr. Bush in either capacity.

2/4 found this review helpful.

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Customer Service: 5.0/5
2021 Timer Review
Reviewed On 2021-12-14 12:57:34
Mr. Bush, rodeo announcer and auctioneer

I have heard Mr. Bush as a rodeo announcer several times. He has a very good voice, knows the contestants, recognizes the sponsors and does an outstanding job with it all. I have used him as an auctioneer myself and he was very good with the auction. I would recommend Mr. Bush in either capacity.

BB P. used this rodeo resource 7 time(s) 2/4 found this review helpful.