Oklahoma Rodeo Announcers companies offer many different services. This is the most comprehensive list of Oklahoma rodeo Announcers in the US. Above you can find Oklahoma Announcers service descriptions, Oklahoma rodeo Announcers reviews, or write a review about your Oklahoma rodeo Announcers. Alternatively, search through the entire list of Oklahoma rodeo Announcers on this page. Search for any of these other rodeo services:
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Here is Clay Drake most recent review:
It's my pleasure to recommend Clay Drake because I've been more than happy with his work. He has an ability to work into our program as many as 150 sponsor announcements, the contestant information, and the overall production of what has grown to as many as 30 perfs, that we have used him for. Clay has always been eager to go over whatever each night’s challenges might be and if need be have a plan of action to help us out with a great rodeo. I would recommend this man for any rodeo.