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Pilesgrove Events

Sep 27, 2025 (Saturday)
- 0 reviews

Wantage Events

May 24, 2025 (Saturday)
- 0 reviews

New Jersey Rodeos

Whether you’re going to the beach, Atlantic City, or enjoying a United States history tour, New Jersey has a lot to see.

If you’re traveling in the summer, you may even catch a rodeo performance.

Cowtown Rodeo

Every weekend from May through September, you can see the Cowtown Rodeo. The Cowtown Rodeo is sanctioned by the PRCA. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) is one of the biggest associations of rodeo professionals and supports rodeo sports. The PRCA hosts finals each year in December.

The Cowtown Rodeo has a long history – it started in 1929 and is the “oldest weekly professional rodeo in the United States”. You’ll watch bull riding, steer wrestling, saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, tie-down roping, team roping, and barrel racing.

A few things distinguish the Cowtown Rodeo. First, it raises its own livestock for the rodeo instead of working with stock contractors. Second, in addition to awarding winners in each contest, contestants can earn the weekly title: All Around Cowboy. This title goes to the highest money winner competing in two or more events each rodeo night.

Burlington County Farm Fair Rodeo

The Burlington County Farm Fair hosts all kinds of events, including tractor and horse pulls, ax throwing, Farm Fair Queen Contest, and more. You can enjoy rides and livestock shows, too.

In 2024, it added the Red Eye Rodeo to its events. Attendees enjoyed bull riding, breakaway roping, barrel racing, and team roping.

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Find Your Next New Jersey Charity Rodeo

Some New Jersey rodeos may support a charity and fundraise to support and raise charitable donations. These charities may have fundraising teams that run for a cause and allow you to make a difference while running for a charity. You can find charities and fundraisers sponsored by New Jersey rodeos here.

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