Selling Rodeo Sponsorships Online

Sell Sponsorships Online To Maximize Your Sponsorship Dollars & Sponsor Exposure!

In this article, we will discuss how to find sponsors, and how to interact with them. We will also discuss why sponsors can be a dramatic benefit to your rodeo.  Lastly, we will discuss some of the software we have to easily attract them.

Why Are Sponsorships for Rodeos Useful?

Rodeo sponsorships are beneficial for each party involved. A rodeo receives money, products, and/or services to support the rodeo. It takes a lot of resources to put on a rodeo, and all too often people rely heavily on the revenue from ticket sales. Often a rodeo requires more money than the ticket sales on their own can generate.  Even if you have enough revenue to cover your operating expenses you may have projects that you need money for like new bleachers, or other equipment. When ticket revenue doesn’t cover all of the expenses for a rodeo, sponsorship revenue can make the difference. Even trade sponsorship can help a rodeo like if a port a pottie company comes and provides free restrooms that can help reduce expenses.  If a company is able to provide something that you would have otherwise paid for it is as good as cash. Rodeo directors can also put on more extravagant rodeos when there is more in the budget.

Benefits for the Sponsor

All rodeo sponsors are looking for unique things for their company. Many are looking to drive more attention to their business to make more money. Sometimes this may be a re-branding that they want to showcase, or they want more sales. Rodeo sponsors could also want to help out the community and want to support the charity you are fundraising for. All sponsors are looking to benefit in some way so it is critical to identify what is the most important thing to a potential sponsor. With all of that information you are able to create the best packages to support their businesses

Since sponsorships are a partnership, the benefits must be a win-win. If you help them with what they need they are likely to return and help your event succeed. There are several promotion things you can do, here are some ideas:

  • Logo or offer placement in receipt emails
  • Logo or offer placement on website or purchase path
  • Banner around an arena
  • Logo on flags
  • Social media posts about sponsor
  • Logo on fliers
  • Advertisement in the rodeo program
  • Logo on rodeo advertisements
  • Branding on a rodeo photo backdrop
  • And more.

Selling Sponsorships

Since sponsors are so important for any rodeo, Rodeo Ticket has tools to assist in selling sponsorships including, customizable categories. Sponsor Categories allow a rodeo director to set up the name, inclusions, price, and a limit. Often, sponsorships are not a one size fits all opportunity. Customizable categories allow a rodeo director to create what will fit the rodeo needs and help them maximize their selling. 

When it comes to naming categories many use terms such as gold, silver, bronze, but a rodeo director might even choose to go with the theme of their rodeo. Using one of a kind terms can set your rodeo apart to sponsors and attendees.

Inclusions are what sponsors will be getting when they purchase the category. These inclusions can range from free tickets to a logo on a banner, or anything you’d like to do for them. What you choose to include is important because this will be what entices a sponsor to buy. Sponsors are more likely to purchase a sponsorship if their business or entity is benefiting from it.

Pricing a rodeo sponsorship category depends on a few things; the size of the rodeo, the value of the individual marketing inclusions, and the wants/needs of a rodeo. Since prices typically change from category to category, it is important to keep all of these things in mind when selecting a price. Pricing needs to match the needs of the rodeo and be reasonable for a sponsor to purchase.

Sponsorship Benefits on Rodeo Ticket

In addition to all of the great things a sponsor will get from purchasing a sponsorship, Rodeo Ticket has included some easy options for a rodeo to use. A sponsor’s logo can be included on the confirmation page, marketing page, or both. The logos can even be included to show on tickets purchased by attendees. All of these options are available to each rodeo.

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Sponsorship Offers

A business that sponsors an event is looking to earn more business. One thing our site offers that can help maximize traffic is sponsor offers. These are totally customizable by a sponsor and can promote their products or services at any discount. A promo button appears under their logo on the marketing page that an attendee can access to get coupon code or print a certificate. These sponsor offers can benefit brick and mortar or online businesses alike. 

Where to Find Rodeo Sponsors

The best place to begin finding rodeo sponsors is your own backyard.  People in your own community will be most interested in the rodeo and supporting a local event. These community sponsors can be located at your local chamber of commerce, or by simply reaching out by phone, email, or in person.  It is wise to have a sponsorship packet that shows some rodeo photos and examples of their inclusions, rodeo demographics/numbers, and sponsorship packages (with the pricing and inclusions).  People want to know what they are getting for their sponsorship dollars.  Before you jump right into asking for money and pitching your sponsorship, you will want to build a relationship of trust.  Companies are far more likely to do business with you if they know and like you first.  Consider inviting a large company from your area out to your event with some complimentary tickets to the front row, or other great seats.  Involve them in a meet and greet.  Who knows… they may just have a great time and what to become a partner in what you are doing for your community.

You may want to expand your search for sponsors to online searches for relevant products and services to your rodeo industry. Whether it is the local feed store or a big time boot brand, all of these sponsors help you put on the event you want.

One of the best things about Rodeo Ticket is you can sell sponsorships 24/7. Since all of these purchasing options will be online, you can advertise online or direct businesses to the sponsor purchase page. On the purchase page, sponsors can select which package they would like to purchase and can see everything it includes. From there, they can add their information with their logo and then add a sponsor promo if desired. Right after this, it takes them directly to the check out page where they input their payment information. This process helps you make the money much easier.  Selling tickets online is much easier than in person so think of the benefit of selling sponsorships online!

Start selling sponsorships online today with Rodeo Ticket!




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