Banning Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queen Application

Join us on 07/14/2025

(rodeo date estimated)

Banning Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queen Application Description

Banning Stagecoach Days 2022 Rodeo Queen Application


Deadline: June 4th, 2022

No late applications will be accepted.



  •         Applications DEADLINE June 4th, 2022 MANDATORY
  •         *If chosen* Sponsorships are due by August 1st, 2022 NO exceptions!

Rodeo ticket sales and raffle ticket sales money due September 5th 2022 NO exceptions! MANDATORY

  •         September 9th-11th, 2022 - Promotional events, school visits, first street dance, flag practice, sponsor visits MANDATORY
  •         September 9th 2022 Queen Coronation MANDATORY
  •         September 9-11, 2022- Winners will represent Banning Stagecoach Days during rodeo, and parade. MANDATORY
  •         Sun Lakes Charity MANDATORY
  •         Rotary MANDATORY
  •         September (TBD) San Bernardino Sheriff Rodeo MANDATORY
  •         September (TBD) Beaumont Oktoberfest
  •         October (TBD) Banning City Council Meeting MANDATORY
  •         October (TBD) California Circuit Finals MANDATORY (*Queen*)
  •         December (TBD) Beaumont Christmas Parade/ Calimesa Christmas Parade MANDATORY
  •         April (TBD) Norco Horseweek
  •         May (TBD) Ramona Rodeo
  •         May (TBD) Stagecoach Days Trap Shoot MANDATORY
  •         June (TBD) Beaumont Cherry Festival Parade MANDATORY
  •         June (TBD) Jurupa Rodeo
  •         August (TBD) Norco Rodeo


****In its sole discretion the Stagecoach Committee can add Mandatory events to this schedule.

Failure to attend any mandatory events is grounds from disqualification and removal of contestant from contest unless contestant has received written permission from Stagecoach Days Association to miss said event, which permission may be granted or denied in sole discretion of the Stagecoach Days Association. All events deemed mandatory, will be given a 2 week notice of the event.


**In the event that you would like to attend other events in Stagecoach Days attire you MUST get approval from the rodeo queen director and Stagecoach Days Association board.                              

Who is Eligible

  • Age: as of (June 4th, 2022).  Each contestant 18 years of age or younger shall have a legal guardian, parent, or chaperone over the age of 21, who shall be responsible for that contestant during their reign.     

Queen……………………..18-24 years of age  

Junior Miss……….………14-17 years of age  

Little Miss……….…………9-13 years of age

Tiny Miss…………………..5-8   years of age

  1. Marital Status:  All contestants must be unmarried at the time of the competition and shall remain unmarried, and not engaged during the time of their reign.  All contestants must not have any children at the time of competition or during the time of their reign. If a contestant shall become married, engaged, or pregnant during their reign they will forfeit their title all prizes won MUST be returned.
  2. Mileage: Contestants must live within 45 miles of Banning. 
  3. This is NOT a beauty contest, nor a clothing competition but rather a competition, which recognizes a number of attributes such as horsemanship, public speaking, rodeo/horse knowledge, personality & appearance. It is also an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

To Apply

  • Entry:  Contestants are responsible for their own entry.  Applications shall be submitted with ALL REQUIRED SIGNATURES, HORSEMANSHIP DVD, AND APPLICATIONS FEES no later than the due date.   All applications must be in the hands of the Rodeo Queen Director by June 4th 2022. No late applications will be accepted.


  • Application Fee:  A fee of $25.00 shall accompany each application. This can be done by sponsorships also. 
  • Headshot: Please include an 8x11 headshot. Attire for the headshot must be western attire. Contestant must wear a felt hat.


  • DVD** It is your responsibility to make sure your DVD is compatible with all systems.
    1. You must start your DVD with an introduction of yourself. Please give an explanation of why you would like to represent Banning, and why you believe we should choose you to represent our city. This portion of the video must be done inside a building with a neutral non-distracting background.


Horsemanship portion of the DVD

    1. Contestant attire: For the horsemanship video portion the contestant must wear a felt hat. If the contestant is in the Little Miss or Tiny Miss category, they have an option of wearing a helmet. Contestant must wear a white western fitted shirt with blue jeans. Chaps may not be worn for the horsemanship video.
    2. The horsemanship portion of the DVD must be a continuous unedited video that begins with you mounting your horse, completing the pattern and ending dismounting your horse. Horsemanship pattern attached. Sr. & Jr. are the same pattern. When completing the horsemanship pattern, you must mount your horse, begin your pattern, and immediately after the pattern is complete walk to pick up your flag and complete your flag run and then queens run. This MUST all be continuous video. If the video is cut together, it is at the judge’s discretion to disqualify the contestant.

*** If you do not have access to another arena, you may make arrangements with the queen director to complete your video pattern at Dysart Park.

  • Queens and Jr. Queens MUST complete a flag run. The flag run is optional for the Little and Tiny queen and will not count against you if you do not complete one.
  • The judges will be looking for control of your horse, completion and accuracy of pattern, flag run, queens’ wave, and position of hands and body in the saddle.
  • Although this pageant is done through a video submission the judges will be looking for how well the contestant is able to present her personality, poise, and knowledge on horseback as well as the video introduction.

        You must include 3 references with contact information as well as your relationship with those

  • The references can come from trainers, past queen directors, judges, schools, places of work, or queens you have held a title with. If you have held a title previously, please state which association it was for, the year you held that title, and what title you held. ** Previous rodeo titles you have held**

If you are chosen to represent Banning for the 2022-2023 year:


*By telephone*

  • As our Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queen, it is your responsibility to help promote our upcoming rodeo. Your job is to collect sponsorships, sell raffle tickets, sell rodeo tickets, and rodeo program ads. You are a large part in making our rodeo happen and are the face of our association.
  • After winners are notified, a meeting will be held in order to go over responsibilities, and give you the proper information in order to collect sponsorships. (Meeting date TBD)

It is important to note that if you are the candidate chosen you will be notified by July 1st. We will NOT be notifying the public of the 2022 queens until September 9th, 2022. Although you have been selected to represent our Rodeo as queen you do not officially hold the title until you are crowned September 9th, 2022. Photos, flyers, or information cannot be posted, as we want to hold a celebration September 9th, 2022.  We also want to be respectful to our current 2021 queens to allow them to finish their reign. It is also important to note that if you do not hold the title and will not be crowned until all funds have been raised.

  • You will be responsible for raising a minimum of $3,000. This can be in the form of raffle tickets, sponsorships, and straight donations.

** Sponsorships must be a business/person that did not sponsor the rodeo in 2021. (We are looking for new sponsors)

  • You will be responsible for selling 30 total rodeo tickets. 20 of those tickets can either be Friday or Saturday, 10 must be Sunday rodeo tickets. Selling a VIP ticket will count as (1) rodeo ticket. .



  • Sponsorships MUST be turned in no later than August 1st, 2022

          (This is due to deadlines for the program being printed NO EXCEPTIONS)

  • ALL raffle tickets, and rodeo tickets must be turned in no later than September 5th, 2022

          (NO EXCEPTIONS)

***If you are chosen you understand that you are responsible for raising this money and selling rodeo tickets. By signing this contract, you understand that if you do not raise the funds in the appropriate amount of time you run the risk of not being crowned and receiving your prizes on the coronation date. Funds have been raised in the years before and it is possible to achieve this goal. ***




This competition will be held between the four winners. The queen with the highest sales of sponsorship money, raffle ticket money, and rodeo ticket sales will win the $500. This award will be received at the queen coronation September 9th, 2022.


Rules and Regulations:

  1. Withdrawals:  If after the closing of the Queens Court entries, a contestant must withdraw, all fees and sponsorships are non-refundable.
  2. The Stagecoach Days Association reserves the right to cancel the contest or combine age divisions if less than three entrants submit applications for the different age divisions of the Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queen contest.
  3. Reasons for Disqualification:  Inappropriate behavior, i.e., language or conduct may be subject to review and disqualification.  Contestants or members of the Banning Stagecoach Days Court shall not consume any alcoholic beverages or use any form of tobacco products, regardless of their age, at any Stagecoach Days event. See Code of Conduct.
  4. If a contestant has been disqualified from another queen pageant or has had their title revoked Stagecoach Days Association has the right to deny eligibility to enter the competition.
  5. The final decision regarding the eligibility or disqualification of a contestant is vested with the Queens Court Directors and the Stagecoach Days Association.
  6. The winners of the competition will be expected to participate in the 2022 Stagecoach Days Rodeo and its events and promote the 2023 Stagecoach Days Event throughout the year. 

Code of Conduct

  1. Represent Banning Stagecoach Days with dignity and pride. 
  2. Never gossip or slander or harass members of the Banning Stagecoach Days Court, Banning Stagecoach Days chairpersons, Banning Stagecoach Days board members, Banning Stagecoach Days general members or their families. This applies to any form of verbal, written, or electronic means.
  3. Never use profanity or inappropriate language while attending Banning Stagecoach Days events or while representing Banning Stagecoach Days at any event or location.
  4. No inappropriate attitude or behavior toward any member of the Banning Stagecoach Days Court, Banning Stagecoach Days chairpersons, Banning Stagecoach Days board members, Banning Stagecoach Days general members or their families. If inappropriate attitude or behavior is presented to any member of the Banning Stagecoach Days board it is at the boards discretion to revoke my title and all prizes won.
  5. Smoking, use of tobacco products, drinking alcohol or use of any type of illegal drugs while representing Stagecoach Days is prohibited. This includes posting photos exhibiting this type of behavior on social media.
  6. At all times queens must wear clean and appropriate attire at all Banning Stagecoach Days events.  No tube tops, revealing or ragged clothes. At all rodeos queens must wear button down or appropriate leather tops. No plugs or gauge ear piercings will be allowed. If you have any body piercings or tattoos, they should remain covered at all times you are representing Stagecoach Days.
  7. When representing Banning Stagecoach Days, be sure that you and your horse are presentable.  Your horse should be clean, free of debris and ready for the appropriate event.
  8. It is your responsibility to handle the transportation and use of a horse. It is not the board’s responsibility to make arrangements for transportation, or horse use.
  9. I certify that I have never willingly appeared nude or semi-nude in any photo, video, or file as of this date. I will not pose nude or semi-nude for photo or file while holding a title, I will not pose provocatively or suggestively on any social media site (Facebook, Instagram etc.).
  10. All social media accounts MUST be open to Stagecoach Days executive board, and rodeo queen director.
  11. In the event that the participant should marry, become engaged, or become pregnant, or if my conduct is in anyway damaging to the Miss Banning Stagecoach Days Pageant, she will forfeit the crown and title and all awarded prizes immediately. Upon information being received that any of this situation has occurred or is occurring, all cases will be investigated.
  12. ALL events that you would like to attend that are not required from our rodeo association and photography sessions done in Stagecoach Days attire MUST be approved by the director/executive board before attending.
  13. Banning Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queens MAY NOT hold any other equestrian titles while reigning as Banning Stagecoach Days Queen.
  14. If a title is stripped for any reason the contestant will be ineligible to compete for future titles with Banning Stagecoach Days.
  15. Contestants may not have inappropriate and non-allowed conduct listed in the paragraphs above to appear in any social and news media.
  16. I understand that all prizes won (saddle, buckle, etc.) belong to Stagecoach Days Association until the crowning of the 2023 queens. If at any point my title is stripped from me, I must return any and all prizes. 
  17. I understand that the perpetual chaps and crown belong to Stagecoach Days Association; if during my reign these items shall be damaged, I will be responsible for replacing these items for their full value.
  18. The Stagecoach Days Association reserves the right in its sole discretion to add, delete, modify, and enforce any of the rules and regulations as in its sole discretion deems necessary for the good of the event.
  19. I understand that I will be asked to attend mandatory events; I will be notified at least 2 weeks prior to an event that is listed as mandatory. If I fail to attend mandatory events, I understand that at any time the executive board and rodeo queen director can put my position under a review and my title, along with prizes can be taken from me.
  20. I understand that the $3,000 raised by collecting sponsorship money I MUST raise will be turned in no later than August 1st, 2022.  And rodeo tickets/raffle tickets, that I MUST sell will be turned in no later than September 5th, 2022.  If the money is not raised, I understand that I will not be crowned until the money is turned in.





Queen & Junior Division Pattern

(See picture below for pattern.)

  1. Mount horse.
  2. Run with speed past center marker
  3. Stop and back up to center of pattern
  4. Settle horse for approximately 10 seconds. Start lope. Circles should be made inside the end markers.
  5.  & 5 Ride two circles to the right, first small and slow, second circle larger and faster.
  6.  &7. Ride two circles to the left, first circle small and slow, second circle larger and faster.
    • ** Finish your circle, change leads and do a right turn close to the left of the arena.
  7. Left roll back over hocks (should be made past far end marker)
  8. Right roll back over hocks (should be made past far end marker)
  9. Stop (should be made past center marker) Let horse settle, then in approximate area of stop, do pivots.
  10. Pivot RIGHT no more than 90 degrees.
  11. Pivot LEFT no more than 180 degrees.
  12. Walk back to the starting position & pick up flag. Begin flag run.
  13. Set down flag, and begin QUEENS run.
  14. Stop at the starting position 1 and dismount horse.



Little Miss Pattern

(See picture below for pattern.)

1. Start at 1 and mount your horse. 

2. Walk to second cone

3. Trot/lope a circle to the right, stop at center marker

4. Trot/lope a circle to the left, stop at center marker

5. Trot to the third cone

6. Stop and back 3 steps

7. Turn and walk back to the starting position to pick up flag

8. Complete Flag run, stopping at starting marker to begin queens run.

              ** Flag run optional**

9. Queens run, stopping at starting marker. Dismount your horse.


Tiny Miss Pattern

(See picture below for pattern.)


1. Start at 1 and mount your horse. 

2. Walk to second cone

3. Walk/Trot a circle to the right, stop at center marker

4. Walk/Trot a circle to the left, stop at center marker

5. Walk/Trot to the third cone

6. Stop and back 3 steps

7. Turn and walk back to the starting position.

8. Queens run, stopping at starting marker. Dismount your horse.






Banning Stagecoach Days Dates and Times:

  • Friday, September 9, 2022- 5 PM – 2 AM     
    • Rodeo: 7PM - 9 PM
    • Live Music: 9 PM - 12 AM
    • Vendors: 5 PM - 12 AM
    • Beer Garden: 5 PM - 2 AM
  • Saturday, September 10, 2022- 5 PM – 2 AM
    • Parade: 10 AM  
    • Rodeo: 7PM - 9 PM
    • Vendors: 5 PM - 12 AM
    • Live Music: 9 PM - 12 AM
    • Beer Garden: 5 PM - 2 AM
  •  Sunday, September 11, 2022- 2 PM – 8 PM         
    • Rodeo: 4PM - 6 PM
    • Vendors: 2 PM - 8 PM
    • Beer Garden: 2 PM - 8 PM

Get ready for the Banning Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queen Application

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Banning Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queen Application location map image

    Banning Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queen Application Where & When

  • Location: Banning, CA 92220
  • Rodeo Date: 2022/07/14 10:00:00 AM (Thursday)
  • Categories:
    • Queen (18-24 years of Age)
    • Jr. Miss (14-17 years of age)
    • Little Miss (9-13 years of age)
    • Tiny Miss (5-8 years of age)

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Banning, CA Weather

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  • Join us at the Banning Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queen Application in July for a great rodeo. The Banning Stagecoach Days Rodeo Queen Application works hard to deliver you a memorable rodeo experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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