Alamosa Vendors

Join us on 08/30/2025

(rodeo date estimated)

Alamosa Vendors Rodeo Description



The Alamosa Round-UP has been a part of the San Luis Valley Heritage for almost 40 years. With multiple days of exciting events and an Old West Cattle Drive, it is the biggest event in Alamosa.

The 2023 Alamosa Round-UP kicks off Thursday with the Mutton Bustin and Local/Open Barrel Race, Friday and Saturday Nights bring The Professional PRCA Rodeo, Saturday also includes Cowboy Church. Saturday Night after the Rodeo is the 4th Annual Round-UP Concert!!! Big Music is coming to Our Small Town!! This year we are bringing in a Real Cowboy, who sings Real Country Music.  Artist Justin Lawrence!! The Concert will start right after the last bull bucks, one big night of fun, all in one ticket! Sunday brings the Demolition Derby at 4:00 pm.

The Alamosa Round-UP is proud to be a part of such a wonderful community!! The Alamosa Round-UP is supported by The City of Alamosa, The Alamosa Marketing District, and over 85 local families and businesses! This truly is Alamosa's Round-UP

Top Cowboys and Cowgirls from around the country as well as future champions don their hats, chap up, and put on a show for the fans.

PRCA Rodeo

The top Cowboys and Cowgirls in the sport of professional rodeo make their way to Alamosa to compete in all 7 major events of rodeo. (Bareback Riding, Steer Wrestling, Tie-Down Roping, Saddle Bronc Riding, Team Roping, Barrel Racing, and Bull Riding) The Alamosa Round-UP is proud to be a part of The All American Series, of The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association! Over 350 Cowboys and Cowgirls make their way to beautiful Alamosa each year to compete for over $45,000 in Prize $$$.


Get ready for the Alamosa Vendors

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    Alamosa Vendors Where & When

  • Location: Alamosa, CO 81101
  • Rodeo Date: 2024/08/30 07:00:00 PM (Friday)
  • Categories:
    • Colorado Army National Guard Marketing

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Alamosa, CO current weather
  • Clear 41.1℉ Clear

  • Join us at the Alamosa Vendors in August for a great rodeo. The Alamosa Vendors works hard to deliver you a memorable rodeo experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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